Online store
Baita is a small locally sourced family business in the Golan Heights (Israel) that offers honey, olive oil, and handmade soap.
Baita’s founders wanted a website for their business that would serve as an online store but also showcase their artisanship and reflect their values.
My work with Baita began when they asked that I proofread copy they had already written for different pages and sections of the site. Going over the copy, I kept in mind what they had said about how they imagined the feel and look of Baita’s website – not like a marketplace or a big-box store, but more like a studio or a workshop run by people who love and enjoy their craft, artisans who pay careful attention to every last detail and put a lot of thought and planning into the process to provide their customers with premium products while staying true to their core values.

I wanted the copy on the site to reflect the kind of craftsmanship and meticulousness valued by Baita’s founders. I proofed and edited with great rigor, and made sure to double- and triple-check every quote from the Bible and every historical fact.

To make the website friendly and approachable for everyone, I gave a lot of thought to a major challenge in Hebrew UX writing – the fact that Hebrew is an extremely gender-oriented language, and made sure to avoid sentences that suggest it’s mostly women who enjoy personal care products. I took advantage of the flexibility the Hebrew language allows when used without diacritics to create gender-neutral sentences that would seem natural and effortless.

Baite prides itself on offering natural, high-quality products made from high-grade ingredients in a production process that involved minimal damage to the natural environment. This vision of Baita’s founders inspired me to use descriptive, evocative language for the site and create copy that would bring scents and natural landscapes to life and invoke feelings of freshness, serenity, and attentive self-care.

The one thing Baita really struggled with was the “Our story” section of the website.
Writing about themselves proved to be quite challenging for the founders, two introverts, who would prefer to have their work speak for them, but acknowledged the importance of allowing their customers to get to know the people behind the products.
I didn’t want to write their story for them but rather help them to tell it themselves. I wanted to use their words to describe their background and passion for their work, so I interviewed them. I presented them with very detailed questions about their experience and their professional mindset and approach, and then used their answers to write what is truly their story.